Friday 30 November 2012

The Final Stops

Our Roadtrip finally had its last stops. Thanksgiving in Monterey, south of San Francisco, where Bjoern has family, with a visit to the beach:

This is California in November: Sunny and 20°C.
We left Monterey after a couple of days and only had 3 more days to get to Vancouver before our insurance was running out. But before that drove to Sequoia National Park to see the Giant Redwood Trees:

This is "General Sherman", with the greatest mass of all trees in the world.

In the next two days we drove 2000km along the West Coast to reach Vancouver in time, unfortunately we didn't see too much on the way. Then one short visit to Seattle and suddenly our Roadtrip had come to an end.
By now we have already sold the Van and I'm already preparing to go home, cause I'll stay there for the winter time.
But before that there will still be coming one or two blog entries, so come back!

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