Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Los Angeles

From Nevada, the Silver State, we drove on to the Golden State California, and golden it was indeed. 
84°F it had which is almost 30°C!

Of course a day on the beach is a must when you go to L.A. The best locations are Santa Monica or Venice Beach.

 And the sea at Sunset:
(Don't ask how long I waited for that no person is in the picture and then comes this f***ing airplane!)

But as beautiful and pleasing as the beaches are, so ugly and dull is the downtown of L.A. itself. There is just nothing you can do or see if you don't live or work there.
The real party is going on in Hollywood, and there they know how to party. Though the whole thing is more like a big mess of cinemas, clubs, restaurants and wanna-be sights.
For one thing: Forget the famous "Walk of Fame" - "Walk of Shame" I call it. It's nothing more than a boring street with crazy people, just like in any other L.A. street.

Though some of the persons eternalised in the walk are just ingenious - respect!

 Thanks Gene, for your great invention

Uuups, Steven, you're upside down, my apologies!

So now to the next great attraction of Hollywood: The Hollywood Sign:

What?! You can't see it? Wait...

Now, that's much better! Not overwhelmed? Well, I wasn't either. For one thing, you don't really get any closer, and then the Hollywood sign still stays what it is: 9 white letters on a hill. Don't trouble to come to L.A. because of that!

But there are must-does in Hollywood. No visit without a good movie!

But the best thing happened the other night: we were obsessed with the idea to get into one of the Nightclubs in L.A. So what we did was to take a shower in YMCA and then to dress in our best clothes. Which was in my case a black shirt, good jeans and ... fucked up shoes. As to Bjoern - same outfit, only he had a training jacket instead of a shirt. Anyway, we went to the "Empire" and waited to get in. The girls around were pretty and very well dressed. So we didn't have too big hopes to get in.
But luckily we met a guy on Walmart who gave us some names and with those we didn't only get in, but also payed less. A big thanks to Jerry from Legalschild!
Well, that's the story of L.A.
CU soon

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