Sunday, 30 September 2012


Everything is about running… and when I say running I mean getting from A to B, then to C and back to A, only to run to B again. It all started in Toronto when we had to get to Embassies and Offices to apply for our driver’s licences and get our car insured. In this case A was always the Condo on the Harbour, B was Service Ontario where we went with our documents, just to discover that some paper was missing, then to C to get the Emission test for our car and back to B to finally get our licence plates. Final stop and centre of operation was always the Condo as it would be our car on the Roadtrip. And all that just to save the money for the Subway! I guess we spend more time running than driving.

On September 20 we started our Roadtrip from Collingwood, Ontario, heading to the East. On the first day we drove 500km to Ottawa. When the city was first made to the Capital of Canada, it was small and unattractive. But over the years the city grew and with financial sponsoring the government helped it to beauty.

So this is the view from the Ontario side of the river to Gatineau which belongs to the Province of Quebec.

On Parliament Hill one governmental building is next to the other, here is the Parliament itself:

It is worth to walk over the bridge to Gatineau to get the view of Ottawa from the other side of the river

Unfortunately it rained a lot when we visited Ottawa so we didn’t stay long, but drove on to Montreal.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Magnificent Hill

The last 12 days I spent at Magnificent Hill as a WWOOFer. For all of you who don't know about WWOOFing, let me explain: WWOOF (Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms) is an organization which you can join if you want either stay yourself on farms or be a host for WWOOFers. It is an exchange of working on the farm for food and accommodation - well, it's actually more than that...

It's about meeting people, making friends, learning how different farmers with completely different concepts manage the day.
Magnificent Hill is a farm that deserves its name. It is located on a beautiful hill, surrounded by a huge forest.
On my first night, an awesome dinner waited for us in the brand new outside oven, consisting of roasted potatoes and squash, homemade Hot Sauce and a huge salad.

 Daily work was about feeding animals (there are chickens, pigs, goats and ducks), harvesting, building the outside kitchen, doing preserves, ...
But every single day was full of new stuff to do, there wasn't much repetition at all.

For 3 days there was a school class from southern Ontario to visit the farm. One evening we made original Italian Pizza in the oven:

Nearly everything on this pizza comes from the farm: the dough is homemade, so is the pizza sauce from own tomatoes and all the other veggies on top come from the farm.

I suggest any Work & Traveler who is interested in WWOOFing to go to Magnificent Hill, you can have an awesome time there! Just visit the website of Magnificent Hill

There is so much more to tell, but I've got no more time.
Today, September 20, is the first day of our road trip. We will head to the East and I have no idea when I can write the next post, so just have a look at my blog once in a while.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Niagara Falls

Hey there, I'm back!
I was working on a WWOOFing farm in the last 10 days and didn't have time to write my blog, but know I catch up again.

First of all there is our trip to the Niagara Falls:
From the bus station to the falls it is a 30 minute-walk. At first you see the Falls on the other side of Niagara River which is the US side. Here at Niagara is the border of Canada and the USA

The better part of the Falls and the better place to visit is the Canadian one in my opinion.
Here you see both parts of the Falls

I must admit I imagined the Niagara Falls to be more spectacular, they are actually not that high and of course everything is about tourism. But still I think you should go and see them if you are in the country - it's worth it!


If you want to do all the activities at Niagara Falls such as the boat ride in the falls, you should plan at least half a day.
The city Niagara is also just laid out for tourists with casinos and stuff, see yourself

 Well, there's nothing to add, except: Stay on the blog, more is coming soon...

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Insurance Hunting

At this point I wanna give some advices to work & travellers:

 1. Be 19 before you go there, in Ontario not only drinking is with 19 years but also some other things

 2. Avoid the summer months when there are holidays and the native students occupy all the jobs or plan travelling - not working - in this period

 3. Be 25 or have your Driver's Licence at least 2 years in case you want to buy a car and insure it in Canada

 4. By all means, take a note- or netbook with you, at least I discovered that without it you can't survive. There just are some things you can't manage with your Smartphone and Internet Cafes are very expensive. When it comes to banking, writing resumes or blogs, a netbook is indispensable and WiFi is available for free everywhere like in the Hostels, Coffee Shops etc.

Of course everything is possible and I have managed it so far myself, but I was very lucky more than once and it is much easier that way.
Zurueck zum Geschehen - es ist (oder war) der 23. August:
Wir sind zurueck in Toronto, um eine Versicherung ausfindig zu machen, denn eins war uns klar: kein Autokauf ohne gutes Angebot fuer eine Versicherung, denn im schlimmsten Fall finden wir nur Versicherungen fuer 15.000$ im halben Jahr, die wir natuerlich nicht nehmen und haben dann ein Auto an der Backe.
Vor der Suche aber erstmal im Saint Lawrence Market freuhstuecken:

Ja, Portugal ist nicht das einzige Land, in dem es gutes Essen gibt ;-)

Jetzt wirds wieder ernst... Versicherungen...  leider kein Internet in unserem Super-Condo, in dem wir nichts beruehren duerfen, damit es so aussieht, als waere es unbewohnt, also sind wir in einen Second Cup gegangen, ein teurer Abklatsch von Starbucks, in dem es auch kostenloses WiFi gibt.
Dann haben wir vor allem ueber Broker ausfindig gemacht und angerufen. Bei zusammen ueber 30 Nummern haben wir nachgefragt, die meisten hatten keine short-term-police fuer drei Monate, die wir wollten, oder waren viel, viel zu teuer.
Unser 1994 Dodge Gran Caravan SE, die Tatsache, dass wir 18 bzw. 19 sind und dass wir keine Kanadier sind, macht die Sache unglaublich teuer.
Ausserdem kommt es darauf an, wo man wohnt, in kleineren Staedten koennen die Kosten im Vergleich zu Toronto um 5000$ guenstiger werden.
Gut, dass wir Bekannte mit Hauesern in ganz Ontario haben^^
Drei Tage hat es uns gekostet, um ein halbwegs vernuenftiges Angebot zu bekommen, sodass wir uns mit den Deutschen treffen konnten, um das Auto zu kaufen.

 Jetzt Mittagessen in unserem Condominium. Das Restaurant befindet sich im 10. Stock, das Essen ist schlecht, aber die French Fries kann man essen. Danach wieder in den 127. Stock -
Nach dem ersten Schock haben wir uns das Schild angesehen: 2742
und dann unseren Schluessel: 2742
Wir haben darauf versucht, das Zimmer aufzusperren, als der Mann auch schon oeffnete und etwas davon faselte, dass er hier wohne und wir sollten nun gefaelligst gehen... na ja, so ungefaehr zumindest.
Die Erklaerung dieses Vorfalls liegt in der natuerlichen Beschaffen des Gebaeudekomplexes:

So sieht der Gang im 127. Stock aus

 Und so der 127. Stock im Sued-Tower. Wenn man nun weiss, dass es auch einen Nord-Tower gibt und sich die Towers im 10. Stock verbinden, kann man sich den Rest zusammenreimen... naja, wir waren nicht die Ersten, denen das passiert ist.

Hier nochmal unsere Aussicht von unserem Condo bei Tag:

Eines abends hat dann Toni wieder angerufen und etwas von einem Bruce Springsteen Konzert gelabert, auf das er uns einlaedt... ich habs nicht genau verstanden, weil wir gerade unterwegs waren und er sehr leise geredet hat. Hat er ploetzlich mal wieder Karten aus der Hand gezaubert?
Die Realitaet sah mal wieder anders aus - besser! Denn als wir unseren Weg zum verabredeten Treffpunkt machten, stellte sich heraus, dass wir zu Toni's Privatwohnung gingen. Wir stiegen also in den Aufzug, ein self-made Businessman neben uns, der den Knopf 14 drueckt. Wir, ganz entspannt, fahren in den Stock 41 - Penthouse.
Ich glaube, bessere Plaetze kann man in der Rogers - Arena, in der das Konzert stattfand,  gar nicht bekommen. Von hier oben konnte man die gesamte Arena ueberblicken, direkt hineinschauen und vor allem alles genau hoeren, was dort stattfand - und das alles komplett kostenlos. Toni hatte dort oben eine kleine Party und einige seiner Bekannten eingeladen. Das war die Gelegenheit, um neue Beziehungen zu knuepfen und wir bekamen tatsaechlich gleich die naechsten Arbeitsangebote auf einer Farm in Saskatchewan, einer kanadischen Provinz.